Monday, June 7th
Keynote Speaker:
Alan Ganek, Vice President, Autonomic Computing, IBM Software Group
Abstract (Slides: PPT)
Session 1: Policies for Self-Management
- An Artificial Intelligence Perspective on Autonomic Computing Policies
Jeffrey O. Kephart, William E. Walsh
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA (Slides: PPT)
- Policy Transformation Techniques in Policy-based Systems Management
Mandis Beigi, Seraphin Calo, Dinesh Verma
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA (Slides: PPT)
- Policy Based Mangement for Internet Communities
Kevin C. Feeney, David Lewis, Vincent Wade
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (Slides: PPT)
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Session 2: Routing and Mobile Networks
- Policy-Based Mobile Ad Hoc Network Management
Ritu Chadha, Hong Cheng, Yuu-Heng Cheng, Jason Chiang, Gary Levin, Harshad Tanna
Telcordia Technologies, USA
- Routing With Confidence: Supporting Discretionary Routing Requirements in Policy Based Networks
Apu Kapadia, Prasad Naldurg, Roy H. Campbell
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
- Transaction Policies for Mobile Networks
Nuno Santos, Luís Veiga, Paulo Ferreira
INESC-ID/IST, Portugal
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Session 3: QoS and Storage
- DecisionQoS: an adaptive, self--evolving QoS arbitration module for storage systems
Sandeep Uttamchandani1, Guillermo A. Alvarez1, Gul Agha2
1: IBM Almaden Research Center, USA; 2: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
- Policy-Based Validation of SAN Configuration
D. Agrawal1, J. Giles1, K.-W. Lee, K. Voruganti2, K. Filali-Adib3
1: IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA; 2: IBM Almaden Research Center, USA; 3: IBM Austin Research Center, USA (Slides: PDF)
- RSVP Policy Control using XACML
Emir Toktar, Edgard Jamhour, Carlos Maziero
PUC-PR - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Brazil (Slides: PPT)
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Session 4 (Short Papers): Automation and control
- Policy-Based Autonomic Control Service
N. Badr, A. Taleb-Bendiab, D. Reilly
Liverpool John Moores University, UK
- A Hierarchical Policy-Based Architecture for Integrated Management of Grids and Networks
R. Neisse, E. Della Vecchia Pereira, L. Zambenedetti Granville, M. Janilce Bosquiroli Almeida, L. Margarida Rockenbach Tarouco
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (Slides: PDF)
- Automated Generation of Resource Configurations through Policies
Akhil Sahai1, Sharad Singhal1, Rajeev Joshi2, Vijay Machiraju1
1: HP Laboratories, Palo Alto, USA; 2: Jet Propulsion Laboratories, USA
- People and Policies: Transforming the Human-Computer Partnership
Rob Barrett
IBM Almaden Research Center, USA (Slides: PDF)
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Tuesday, June 8th
- Keynote Speaker:
Claus von Riegen , Group Program Manager, SAP AG, Germany
Abstract (Slides: PDF)
Session 5: Security Policy in Large Scale Systems
- A Framework for Contractual Resource Sharing in Coalitions
Babak Sadighi Firozabadi1, Anna Squicciarini2, Marek Sergot3, Elisa Bertino2
1: Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS), Sweden; 2: Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy;
3: Imperal College London, UK (Slides: PPT)
- A Formal Model for Hierarchical Policy Contexts
András Belokosztolszki, Ken Moody, David M. Eyers
University of Cambridge, UK (Slides: PPT)
- Security Policy Reconciliation in Distributed Computing Environments
H.B. Wang, S. Jha, P.D. McDaniel, M. Livny
University of Wisconsin, USA (Slides: PPT)
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Session 6 : Trust and Filtering
- Responding to Policies at Runtime in TrustBuilder
Bryan Smith, Kent E. Seamons, Mike Jones
Brigham Young University, USA (Slides: PPT)
- Cassandra: Distributed Access Control Policies with Tunable Expressiveness
Moritz Y. Becker, Peter Sewell
University of Cambridge, UK (Slides: PDF)
- A Policy Driven Approach to Email
Saket Kaushik1, Paul Ammann1, Duminda Wijesekera1, William Winsborough1, Ronald Ritchey2
1: George Mason University, USA; 2: Booz Allen and Hamilton, USA (Slides: PDF)
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Session 7 (Short Papers): Security
- A Decentralized Mechanism for Distributed Access Control
Naftaly Minsky
Rutgers University, USA
- Unification in Privacy Policy Evaluation - Translating EPAL into Prolog
Michael Backes, Markus Duermuth, Guenter Karjoth
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland
- An Introduction to the Web Services Policy Language (WSPL)
Anne Anderson
Sun Microsystems Laboratories, USA (Slides: PDF)
- FlowUML: A Framework to Enforce Information Flow Security Policies in UML based Requirements Engineering
Khaled Alghathbar1, Duminda Wijesekera2
1: King Saud University, Saudi Arabia; 2: George Mason University, USA
- Towards a Multi-dimensional Characterization of Dissemination Control
Roshan K. Thomas1, Ravi Sandhu2
1: McAfee Research, Network Associates, USA; 2: George Mason University, USA
- Protocol Decode Based Stateful Firewall Policy Definition Language
Ravi Sahita, Pankaj N. Parmar, Priya Rajagopal
Intel Corporation, USA (Slides: PPT)
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Session 8 (Short Papers): Quality of Service
- Implementation of the CIM Policy Model Using Ponder
Andrea Westerinen, Mark Carlson, Julie Schott
Cisco Systems, USA (Slides: PPT)
- Integrating Policy-based Management and Adaptive Traffic Engineering for QoS Deployment
Steven Van den Berghe, Filip De Turck, Piet Demeester
Ghent University - IMEC, Belgium (Slides: PDF)
- Policy-based Congestion Management for an SMS Gateway
Roberto Cosenza1, Alberto Gonzalez Prieto2, Rolf Stadler2
1: Infoflex, Sweden; 2: Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden (Slides: PPT)
- PROTON: A Policy-based Solution for Future 4G devices
Pablo Vidales, Rajiv Chakravorty, Calicrates Policroniades
University of Cambridge, UK (Slides: PDF)
- Policy Control Model: a Key Factor for the Success of Policy in Telecom Applications
Fernando Cuervo, Michel Sim
Alcatel, Candada (Slides: PDF)
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Wednesday, June 9th
- Keynote Speaker:
Rich Friedrich, Director, Internet Systems and Storage Laboratory, HP Laboratories, Palo-Alto, CA
Session 9: Analysis and Refinement
- A Goal-based Approach to Policy Refinement
Arosha K Bandara1, Emil C Lupu1, Jonathan Moffett2, Alessandra Russo1
1: Imperial College London, UK; 2: University of York, UK (Slides: PPT)
- Incremental Validation of Policy-Based Systems
Angus Graham1, Thiruvengadam Radhakrishnan1, Cliff Grossner2
1: University of Concordia, Canada; 2: NewStep Networks, Canada (Slides: PPT)
- Finite State Transducers for Policy Evaluation and Conflict Resolution
Javier Baliosian, Joan Serrat
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain (Slides: PDF)
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Session 10 (Panel): Policy Based Management: the Holy Grail?
Panel Chair: Morris Sloman, Imperial College London (Slides: PDF)
Research in policy-based systems in various application areas such as networking, security and enterprise systems has been going on for about a decade. There is some consensus that policy is a behavioural guide or the rules relating to choices in behaviour and that policy is derived from goals. However there is no hard and fast distinction between goals and policy. Organisational Policy can range from a high level goal to maximise the income generated from a service provided by the organisation to a specific rule in a router to assign traffic from a particular IP address to high priority queue. Some people consider device configuration parameters such as buffer size, queue length etc. to also be policy. If a goal is policy, is a required response time also policy?
Several policy languages, policy deployment models and policy enforcement models have been proposed. However policy-based management systems are rarely deployed in industry and security policy is still mostly defined in terms of low-level access control lists and firewall rules. Is there something missing from the research approach which makes it difficult to implement policy-based systems?
This panel will debate the issues of what is policy in light of our experience of security and management policies over the past decade. It will address issues such as:
- Are (event-)condition-action rules sufficient for the specification of management policies
- Are authorization policies of the form permit/deny action when condition sufficient?
- If goals are policies can we distinguish between policies and requirements?
- Is a universal policy language/representation an unachievable goal?
- Do different representations require different analysis techniques.
- The AI community have been talking about goals and planning for many years - do they have all the answers?
- Will future policy agents be intelligent enough to derive a set of actions so that only high level goals need be specified?
Panel Members
- Network management viewpoint: John Strassner, Intelliden (Slides: PDF)
- Security viewpoint: William Winsborough, George Mason University (Slides: PDF)
- Language viewpoint: Naranker Dulay, Imperial College London (Slides: PDF)
- AI viewpoint: Jeff Kephart, IBM TJ Watson Labs (Slides: PDF)
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